Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Daniel Khor 1st...?!?

Aite... I was going to wait for the 1st of Jan for this blog title but I thought fuck that shit hahaha...

Anyways i've finally ported over to Danielkhor.com..!!


I shall be adding people on my new MSN i.am@DanielKhor.com... Look out for me bitch..!!!

Well this blog was brought to you by your local G-A-Y club promoter... (Not me haha)

Was out shopping on Boxing day... (Yes I was in that crazy crowd)... I walked past G-A-Y as you do heading back to oxford street from Covent Garden... Some Guy outside G-A-Y stops me and asks...

"Excuse me mate, Where did you get that top from?"

OMFG... Daniel Khor 1st... Being Stopped and asked by a gay guy where he got a top from... And he didn't even believe me the top was from America... *Sigh*... Compliment or not? Change my style or continuing being who I am ?

Man, 2008 is over soon i'm going to put surprises like that behind me...

Yeah anyways shorter easier website link to here...

DANIELKHOR.COM..!! I shall make a proper website when I can be bothered HAHAHA... (I'm proper lazy) Well can't say lazy just busy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOOL Batty man was ON IT!!!