Monday, May 13, 2013

Please MiND The Gap..!?!

As all my regular readers know, I’ve always believed the mind is the most powerful thing we humans possess. I believe this is what differentiates us from animals, it is what keeps us sane and what keeps us going. Each and every individual has a different mind. Let me throw in a quick definition of what Mind is from a quick google define search (coz i know you are all too lazy to do that)

Fuck it i’m going to post all 8 definitions Google spat back at me..

  1. The element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought

  1. A person's mental processes contrasted with physical action

  1. A person's intellect

  1. The state of normal mental functioning in a person

  1. A person's memory

  1. A person identified with their intellectual faculties

  1. A person's attention

  1. The will or determination to achieve something

I’m actually only going to pick on 2 of these but for your benefit I threw all 8 of them here...

‘to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think and to feel; the faculty of consciousness’

Alrite so let me break down how I interpret this... a lot of us actually take for granted many of our senses and everything around us. To be able to feel, and to see shit around you, not all of us are capable of this.
Let me take this to a whole other level, and throw in a keyword... SOUL..

Is our mind our soul, I personally believe so (who gives a shit what you think) and our soul is immortal, I also believe that our soul actually has a physical presence. (I’m sure i’ve read of an experiment where someone weighed a body during sleep and found that our weight actually drops when we are asleep because our soul leaves the body, and they weighed a dying person and there was a slight minute change in weight when someone passed away) [Too many brackets but this is a thought process]

So there is no actual experiment carried out by myself as i’m a cryptic of this shit, but I just have to believe. Believing is a very strong factor of how our mind/soul works, your mind consciously or unconsciously can think of something and manifest that very thought into something.

‘Illness is 90% mind and 10% disease.’  
Daniel Khor (Date Unknown)

Yes I quoted myself, but I think if we are strong minded we can actually fight off any illness and problems, you know you hear all this crazy ‘miracles’ and life changing experiences because that individual believed and thought of it. Their mind was set in stone that they are able to overcome this obstacle that ‘powers above’ have thrown at them.

[I’m going to summarize all that jargon above into a quick sentence]

What you hear, experience, think about or even don’t think about will manifest into reality slowly, because your mind is a living matter and the universe is living. Your brain fires synapses through your neurons (scientist’s correct me if i’m wrong) and as soon as this process has begun the universe will begin to ‘snowball’ this chain of thought. So let me throw this curveball at you, and get them neurons working...

What if you are told you’re going to fail.....

1. You believe you’re going to fail and so the universe begins taking you down that path to make this [Statement] come true.

2. You don’t believe this is going to be true, and that's made you think i’m going to go against that and make sure it doesn’t come true. Once again that initial thought process is the beginning.

This is where I come back to number 8 in the definition. The will and determination to achieve something, don’t let people dictate what is going to happen. Only you and I mean only you have the power to chain reaction your future. It all starts with a simple thought process, if this can be achieved.

All of the above can be interpreted in any shape or form, once again this is my own thought process and has no scientific backing, no religious views or even evidence that this all exists. I just believe our mind is a powerful thing and if you learn to control it you are the God of your own future.

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