Monday, July 09, 2007

20 Years & This Is Me..?

Well It's only been 2 days since i've returned from HK...

But I had to celebrate my b-day with my family so they took me out for a meal... As many of my readers LOVE FOOD..!! HAHAHA You Know WHO You Are...!!

Living The High Life..!!

My Poo Prawn.!! Tasty though..!!

Here is a few pic's of some NICE INDIAN Food ^^...

Ice CREAM..!!

Man We Are Some FET Family..!!

I am getting too lazy to type after my stupidly long HK Blog... So i'm going to give myself a rest for a few days or a week maybe... Check this space Soon..!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sup fam?
Happy Bday, hope u got some gd shit n all. Lucky boy!!! got indian for ur meal!!. I could really merc some of that shit in my food hole, fuckin love indian man! Yh hope ur Bday was sweet old man :). Yh and saw dem HK pics dey look proper sik, bare jealous man!!! Hook up soon yh.

