Thursday, June 19, 2008


Special Thanx to those who posted this to me (Dayo) It's previously been mentioned to me and linked to me before but after Dayo posted it to me I actually sat down and watched it...

Some parts made me laugh some just made my jaw drop...

My opinion doesn't matter all of my blog is my opinion what is yours?

It is 2 hours long so if you have the time sit down and watch it...

Don't believe everything you watch or read.. Believe what you yourself see...

This is why I live the Dim life... And take aspects of religions and implement it into my own lifestyle.. I chose whats right or wrong, not someone or people around me, not what I read or see on TV or Movies ^^..

Anyways it's some stuff I have no control over...

Signing out... Work tomoro *Sigh*

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